Informativo da Missão Zero - Abril 2019 / News April 2019
Lyon, 25 de abril de 2019.
Informativo Projeto França – Março e Abril de 2019
Venham e vejam o que Deus tem feito;
como são impressionantes as suas obras em favor dos homens! (Sl 66.5)
Salut queridos amigos e parceiros na missão. Estes dois últimos meses foram super intensos para nós, mas louvamos a Deus pois vemos que o evangelho segue avançando em Lyon.
→ Atividades regulares da Missão Jeepp
1. Grupo A Plus - Universitários e Jovens Profissionais Protestantes
Em março concluímos o Curso Alpha com o grupo A Plus e, na ocasião, tivemos 30 pessoas presentes. Realmente estamos impressionados com os avanços que seguimos tendo, pois é normal termos visitantes a cada encontro. E a maioria destes que vêm pela primeira vez se integra facilmente. Somos gratos a Deus por termos conseguido criar esta atmosfera acolhedora, onde os próprios jovens convidam seus amigos e mesmo os não cristãos se sentem muito bem recebidos. Seguimos assim neste caminhar, de fazer descobrir o evangelho a estes novos que chegam e de nos aprofundarmos no evangelho com aqueles que já são cristãos.
Um outro momento importante deste período foi dia 15 de abril, a Soirée Chez Nous (Noite na nossa casa), que acontece na primeira semana de todas as férias escolares. Desta vez o menu proposto foi hambúrgueres caseiros, mas o principal foi a celebração que tivemos no final. Aproveitamos a noite para começar a preparar o culto que será celebrado pela Missão Jeepp no dia 28 de abril e assim dividimos os jovens em 2 grupos: 1 interessado em escolher os hinos e o outro interessado em receber uma formação básica sobre como preparar uma pregação, pois a ideia nestes cultos é que os jovens também possam pregar, o que já acontecerá dia 28/04. Assim, no final da noite, reunimos as 2 equipes e tivemos um tempo de louvor e meditação preparado por eles.
2. Permanências nas tardes de segunda a quarta-feira
Seguimos aproveitando estes períodos para realizar o acompanhamento com os jovens e também para oferecer a aula de conversação de francês. Nestes últimos meses outras pessoas que não fazem parte de nossos grupos chegaram interessadas por causa da proposta de estudar a língua. Assim, ao mesmo tempo que servimos os estudantes, usamos as aulas de francês como uma estratégia missionária.
3. Encontros na Casa de Estudantes St Bernard
Depois do término do Curso Alpha continuamos com as propostas que mencionamos no informativo anterior, de propor atividades diferentes entre discussões bíblicas, noite de jogos, noite de filmes, etc. Nos alegramos com a chegada de mais um estudante que tem participado regularmente de nossos encontros e, além disso, com o fato de uma estudante brasileira estar se abrindo cada vez mais para nossas propostas, pedindo todas as semanas para ter um tempo de oração com a Mariana e também para participar de nossas atividades com o grupo A Plus.
Para o ano 2019-2020 estaremos envolvidos em um novo projeto na casa de estudantes, compartilharemos com vocês no próximo informativo.
4. Cultos da Missão Jeepp nas paróquias de Lyon
No mês de março estivemos bem envolvidos com diferentes comunidades, o que nos ajuda a mostrar um pouco o trabalho que fazemos e também a fazer a conexão entre a missão e as comunidades. Começamos com o culto café croissant no dia 10 de março na paróquia do Leste de Lyon, onde moramos. Apesar de não ser um culto oficial da Missão Jeepp nós como missionários fomos chamados a dar nosso testemunho e ajudar a igreja na reflexão para o seu projeto de igreja para próximo ano.
Já no dia 17 celebramos o culto no Grand Temple de Lyon e no dia 24 na Comunidade do Change. Os dois cultos foram momentos muito especiais, com participação ativa dos jovens na preparação e durante todo o culto, seja no louvor, seja nas orações. Este culto do dia 24 teve um significado ainda mais importante, pois nele foi celebrado o batismo de um dos jovens de nosso grupo, alguém que vem de família muçulmana. Tem sido muito satisfatório ouvir das pessoas que eles não esperavam que estes jovens se engajassem e estivessem preparados para fazer tais participações tão cedo. Glória à Deus por isso!
→ Fatos importantes ←
• Nos últimos dias de fevereiro e primeiros dias de março estivemos em um acampamento de adolescentes na comunidade de Taizé, uma comunidade monástica ecumênica que dedica grande parte de seu trabalho à juventude. O grupo de Lyon era composto por umas 200 pessoas, entre protestantes e católicos, e foi muito importante para nós descobrirmos este local que é tão conhecido na Europa e que chega a juntar mais de 5 mil pessoas simultaneamente em seus acampamentos de verão.
• Recebemos a super visita de Jéssica Staehler entre os dias 13 e 18 de março. Jéssica é brasileira de Panambi/RS, intercambista na Noruega e alguém que conhecemos devido ao trabalho que realizamos no Brasil antes de vir para a França. Foi muito precioso poder receber uma amiga brasileira e compartilhar um pouco do nosso trabalho.
• Entre os dias 16 e 19 de março recebemos 3 jovens norueguesas em Lyon, participantes do mesmo programa de intercâmbio que Lucas e Rodolfo (intercambistas brasileiros que trabalham conosco em Lyon) mas que trabalham em outras cidades. Elas vieram para conhecer a rotina do trabalho que realizamos e participaram de todas as nossas atividades entre domingo e terça-feira.
• No dia 27 de março fomos convidados para falar na Rádio RCF sobre o projeto da Missão Jeepp, em uma entrevista curta. Esta foi mais uma oportunidade de divulgarmos o nosso trabalho na cidade.
• Tivemos confirmado pelo Movimento Encontrão e NMS o envio de mais 2 intercambistas brasileiros do programa U-Crew para trabalhar conosco no próximo ano letivo. No próximo informativo damos mais informações sobre eles.
• No dia 30 de março tivemos com o grupo A Plus um “Dia na Neve”. Éramos 18 pessoas, alguns esquiaram, outros fizeram snowboard e outros fizeram uma longa caminhada. Foi um dia maravilhoso! Percebemos que o grupo voltou mais unido e parceiro para participar e também nos ajudar nas atividades da missão.
• No dia 7 de abril tivemos a primeira reunião com o que chamamos de “Grupo de Ação” - que é o grupo base do projeto - formado por 7 jovens participantes das atividades da Missão - que nos ajudará a guardar a visão e também a pensar e a pôr em prática as atividades. Nesta primeira reunião falamos sobre a razão de formar o grupo e também seus objetivos para a missão. Queremos ter mais uma reunião com este grupo antes das férias de julho.
→ Sobre os missionários ←
- Depois de muita espera conseguimos avançar no processo de renovação de visto para Mariana e ela enfim recebeu o documento provisório antes de receber o novo visto. Mas, como os próprios franceses dizem, “sempre falta um documento”, e ainda precisamos entregar a tradução juramentada de nossas certidões de nascimento.
- Ocorreu tudo certo com a cirurgia no joelho do Mateus, que aconteceu no dia 3 de abril, e ele se recupera bem. Agora ele segue com a fisioterapia 3 vezes por semana para recobrar a força e os movimentos.
- Já compramos nossas passagens para ir ao Brasil em junho deste ano - participaremos do Encontro de Lideranças e das celebrações de 30 anos da Missão Zero. Passaremos 75 dias em nosso país, os quais dividiremos entre férias com nossas famílias, visitas aos nossos parceiros e participação em alguns outros eventos. A Missão Zero entrará em contato com os parceiros para agendar as visitas.
→ Continue orando pelo Projeto França (Missão Jeepp) ←
→ Pela conclusão de nossos processos de renovação de visto;
→ Pelo melhor restabelecimento possível do Mateus antes da viagem para o Brasil;
→ Pelo levantamento dos documentos para os novos intercambistas brasileiros vindo a Lyon e por seus processos de visto;
→ Pelas próximas fases do projeto, o desenvolvimento do grupo de ação, a compreensão da visão e dos objetivos do projeto e o engajamento destas pessoas;
→ Pela avaliação do projeto, que ocorrerá nos dias 11 e 12 de junho, quando contaremos com a presença do coordenador da Missão Zero, Mauro Westphal. Nesta avaliação será decidido se o projeto terá 2 anos suplementares (2021 e 2022).
E entre em contato conosco e nos siga nas redes sociais:
Come and see what God has done; how impressive his works are for men! (Psalm 66.5)
Salut dear friends and partners in the mission. These last two months have been super intense for us, but we praise God because we see that the Gospel continues to advance in Lyon.
1. Grup A Plus – University Students and Young Professionals
In March we finished the Alpha Course with the A Plus group and, at the time, we had 30 people present. We are really impressed with the progress we have made since it is normal to have visitors to every meeting. And most of these who come for the first time integrate easily. We are grateful to God that we have succeeded in creating this welcoming atmosphere where young people themselves invite their friends and even non-Christians feel welcome. We continue in this way, to make the gospel known to these new people and to deepen in the gospel with those who are already Christians.
Another important moment of this period was April 15th, the “Soirée Chez Nous” (Night at our house), which happens in the first week of all school vacations. This time the proposed menu was homemade burgers, but the main thing was the celebration we had at the end. We took the evening to start preparing the worship service that will be celebrated by Mission Jeepp on April 28th and so we divided the youth into 2 groups: 1 interested in choosing the songs and the other interested in receiving basic training on how to prepare a preaching, because the idea in these services is that young people can also preach, which will happen on April 28th. So at the end of the evening, we gathered the 2 teams and had a time of praise and meditation prepared by them.
2. Permanences from Monday to Wednesday afternoon
We continue to use these periods to follow up with the youth and also to offer the French conversation class. In recent months, other people who are not part of our groups have come interested because of the proposal to study the language. Thus, while we serve students, we use the French classes as a missionary strategy.
3. Gatherings at St Bernard Student Home
After concluding the Alpha Course, we continue with the activities we mentioned in the previous newsletter, to propose different things such as Bible discussions, games evening, movie evening, and so on. We are pleased with the arrival of another student who has regularly participated in our gatherings and, moreover, with the fact that a Brazilian student more and more open to our proposals, asking every week to have a prayer time with Mariana and also to participate in our activities with the group A Plus.
For the year 2019-2020 we’ll be engaged in a new project at the student home, we’ll share about it in our next newsletter.
4. Services Mission Jeepp in the parishes of Lyon
In March we were well involved with different congregations, which helps us to show a little the work we do and also to make the connection between the mission and the parishes. We started with the coffee - croissant service on March 10 in the parish of East Lyon, where we live. Although it is not an official worship service of Mission Jeepp we, as missionaries, we were called to give our testimony and help the church in the reflection for its church vision for next year.
Then, on the 17th we celebrated the service at the Grand Temple in Lyon and on the 24th at the Change Parish.
The two services were very special moments, with active participation of young people in the preparation and throughout the worship, be it in praise or in prayers. This service of the 24th had an even more important significance, for in it was celebrated the baptism of one of the youth of our group, one who comes from a Muslim family. It has been very satisfying to hear from people that they did not expect these young people to engage and be prepared to have such an early engagement. Glory to God for that!
• We received the super visit of Jessica Staehler between the 13th and 18th of March. Jessica is Brazilian from Panambi/RS, an exchange student in Norway and someone we know because of the work we did in Brazil before coming to France. It was great to be able to receive a Brazilian friend and share a little of our work.
• Between the 16th and 19th of March, we received three young Norwegians in Lyon, participants in the same exchange program than Lucas and Rodolfo (Brazilian exchange students who work with us in Lyon) but who work in other cities. They came to know the routine of the work we do and participated in all our activities between Sunday to Tuesday.
• On March 27th we were invited to speak on Radio RCF about Mission Jeepp project in a short interview. This was another opportunity to publicize our work in the city.
• We have been confirmed by Movimento Encontrão and NMS to welcome two more Brazilian exchange students from the U-Crew program to work with us in the next school year. In the next newsletter we give more information about them.
• On March 30th we had with the group A Plus a "Day in the Snow". There were 18 people, some skiing, others snowboarding, and others hiking. It was a wonderful day! We noticed that the group came back more united and engaged to participate and also help us in the activities of the mission.
• On April 7th we had the first meeting with what we call the "Action Group" - the project's core group - made up of 7 youth participants in the Mission's activities - who will help us to keep our vision and also to think and to put into practice the activities. In this first meeting we talked about the reason for forming the group and also its goals for the mission. We want to have another meeting with this group before vacations in July.
- Everything went right with the knee surgery of Mateus, which happened on April 3rd, and he recovers well. Now he goes on physical therapy 3 times a week to regain strength and movement.
- We already bought our tickets to go to Brazil in June of this year - we will participate at the Leadership Gathering and the celebrations of 30 years of Missão Zero. We will spend 75 days in our country, which we will share with our families, visits to our partners and participate in some other events. Missão Zero will contact our partners to schedule the visits.
→ For the best possible reestablishment of Mateus before the trip to Brazil;
→ For the issuing of all documents for the new Brazilian exchange students coming to Lyon and for their visa procedures;
→ For the next phases of the project, preparing the action group to understand the vision and objectives of the project and to engage these people;
→ For the evaluation of the project, which will take place on June 11th and 12th, when we will have the presence of the Missão Zero’s coordinator, Mauro Westphal. In this evaluation it will be decided if the project will have 2 additional years (2021 and 2022).
And get in touch with us and follow us on social media:
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Mission Jeepp Newsletter – March and April 2019
Salut dear friends and partners in the mission. These last two months have been super intense for us, but we praise God because we see that the Gospel continues to advance in Lyon.
→ Mission Jeep Activities Regular ←
In March we finished the Alpha Course with the A Plus group and, at the time, we had 30 people present. We are really impressed with the progress we have made since it is normal to have visitors to every meeting. And most of these who come for the first time integrate easily. We are grateful to God that we have succeeded in creating this welcoming atmosphere where young people themselves invite their friends and even non-Christians feel welcome. We continue in this way, to make the gospel known to these new people and to deepen in the gospel with those who are already Christians.
Another important moment of this period was April 15th, the “Soirée Chez Nous” (Night at our house), which happens in the first week of all school vacations. This time the proposed menu was homemade burgers, but the main thing was the celebration we had at the end. We took the evening to start preparing the worship service that will be celebrated by Mission Jeepp on April 28th and so we divided the youth into 2 groups: 1 interested in choosing the songs and the other interested in receiving basic training on how to prepare a preaching, because the idea in these services is that young people can also preach, which will happen on April 28th. So at the end of the evening, we gathered the 2 teams and had a time of praise and meditation prepared by them.
2. Permanences from Monday to Wednesday afternoon
We continue to use these periods to follow up with the youth and also to offer the French conversation class. In recent months, other people who are not part of our groups have come interested because of the proposal to study the language. Thus, while we serve students, we use the French classes as a missionary strategy.
3. Gatherings at St Bernard Student Home
After concluding the Alpha Course, we continue with the activities we mentioned in the previous newsletter, to propose different things such as Bible discussions, games evening, movie evening, and so on. We are pleased with the arrival of another student who has regularly participated in our gatherings and, moreover, with the fact that a Brazilian student more and more open to our proposals, asking every week to have a prayer time with Mariana and also to participate in our activities with the group A Plus.
For the year 2019-2020 we’ll be engaged in a new project at the student home, we’ll share about it in our next newsletter.
4. Services Mission Jeepp in the parishes of Lyon
In March we were well involved with different congregations, which helps us to show a little the work we do and also to make the connection between the mission and the parishes. We started with the coffee - croissant service on March 10 in the parish of East Lyon, where we live. Although it is not an official worship service of Mission Jeepp we, as missionaries, we were called to give our testimony and help the church in the reflection for its church vision for next year.
Then, on the 17th we celebrated the service at the Grand Temple in Lyon and on the 24th at the Change Parish.
The two services were very special moments, with active participation of young people in the preparation and throughout the worship, be it in praise or in prayers. This service of the 24th had an even more important significance, for in it was celebrated the baptism of one of the youth of our group, one who comes from a Muslim family. It has been very satisfying to hear from people that they did not expect these young people to engage and be prepared to have such an early engagement. Glory to God for that!
→ Important Facts ←
• In the last days of February and early March we were in a teenage camp in the community of Taizé, an ecumenical monastic community that devotes much of its work to youth. The group from Lyon was made up of about 200 people, including Protestants and Catholics, and it was very important for us to discover this place that is so well known in Europe. It brings together over 5,000 people simultaneously in their summer camps.• We received the super visit of Jessica Staehler between the 13th and 18th of March. Jessica is Brazilian from Panambi/RS, an exchange student in Norway and someone we know because of the work we did in Brazil before coming to France. It was great to be able to receive a Brazilian friend and share a little of our work.
• Between the 16th and 19th of March, we received three young Norwegians in Lyon, participants in the same exchange program than Lucas and Rodolfo (Brazilian exchange students who work with us in Lyon) but who work in other cities. They came to know the routine of the work we do and participated in all our activities between Sunday to Tuesday.
• On March 27th we were invited to speak on Radio RCF about Mission Jeepp project in a short interview. This was another opportunity to publicize our work in the city.
• We have been confirmed by Movimento Encontrão and NMS to welcome two more Brazilian exchange students from the U-Crew program to work with us in the next school year. In the next newsletter we give more information about them.
• On March 30th we had with the group A Plus a "Day in the Snow". There were 18 people, some skiing, others snowboarding, and others hiking. It was a wonderful day! We noticed that the group came back more united and engaged to participate and also help us in the activities of the mission.
• On April 7th we had the first meeting with what we call the "Action Group" - the project's core group - made up of 7 youth participants in the Mission's activities - who will help us to keep our vision and also to think and to put into practice the activities. In this first meeting we talked about the reason for forming the group and also its goals for the mission. We want to have another meeting with this group before vacations in July.
→ About the missionaries ←
- After much waiting we were able to move forward in the visa renewal process for Mariana and she finally received the provisional document before receiving the new visa. But, as the French people themselves say, "a document is always missing," and we still need to deliver the sworn translation of our birth certificates.- Everything went right with the knee surgery of Mateus, which happened on April 3rd, and he recovers well. Now he goes on physical therapy 3 times a week to regain strength and movement.
- We already bought our tickets to go to Brazil in June of this year - we will participate at the Leadership Gathering and the celebrations of 30 years of Missão Zero. We will spend 75 days in our country, which we will share with our families, visits to our partners and participate in some other events. Missão Zero will contact our partners to schedule the visits.
→ Keep praying for Mission Jeep ←
→ For the completion of our visa renewal processes;→ For the best possible reestablishment of Mateus before the trip to Brazil;
→ For the issuing of all documents for the new Brazilian exchange students coming to Lyon and for their visa procedures;
→ For the next phases of the project, preparing the action group to understand the vision and objectives of the project and to engage these people;
→ For the evaluation of the project, which will take place on June 11th and 12th, when we will have the presence of the Missão Zero’s coordinator, Mauro Westphal. In this evaluation it will be decided if the project will have 2 additional years (2021 and 2022).
And get in touch with us and follow us on social media:
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