Informativo da Missão Zero - Junho 2019 / News June 2019
Informativo Projeto França – Maio e Junho de 2019
Lyon, 25 de junho de junho de 2019.
Retorne ao seu descanso, ó minha alma, porque o Senhor tem sido bom para você! ( Sl 116.7 )
Olá amados irmãos e irmãs! Estamos muito alegres de poder compartilhar nossas notícias com vocês.
→ Sobre os missionários ←
- Estamos no Brasil - Se você quiser nos encontrar e também saber mais sobre o que temos vivido na França, segue a lista dos lugares onde estaremos nos próximos meses. Venha nos ver: • Porto Alegre/RS (20 à 23 de junho) • Florianópolis e São José/SC (24 à 30 de junho) • Passo Fundo/RS (02,03 e 07 de julho) • Ijuí/RS (04 de julho) • Panambi/RS (06 de julho) • Arabutã/SC (08 e 09 de julho) • Pelotas/RS (11 à 27 de julho) • Apiúna/SC (28 de julho à 16 de agosto) • Ituporanga/SC (06 e 07 de agosto • Jaraguá do Sul/SC (18 de agosto) • Campinas/SP (20 à 24 de agosto) • Joinville/SC (25 de agosto) • Barra Velha/SC (26 à 28 de agosto) • Curitiba/PR (29 de agosto a 02 de setembro). Dia 02 de setembro embarcamos de volta para Lyon.
- Vistos: No início de maio tivemos uma grande surpresa ao recebermos uma mensagem do departamento de vistos de Lyon, nos informando que nossos vistos estavam prontos. Fomos lá para retirá-los e ficamos sabendo que eles haviam mudado nossos vistos de “assalariado” para “religioso-temporário”. Tal mudança é negativa pois, em vez de recebermos um visto de quatro anos, nós teremos que renovar nossos vistos todos os anos. Agora nos cabe entrar com recurso diretamente com o governador para mudar a situação - tal recurso já está sendo providenciado pela NMS France – nosso empregador no país.
- Mudança: Antes de embarcarmos para o Brasil tivemos que tirar nossas coisas da casa onde moramos desde que chegamos em Lyon em setembro de 2017 e deixá-las no apartamento onde vamos morar a partir de setembro 2019, quando voltarmos do tempo no Brasil. Tivemos que nos mudar porque morávamos muito longe de onde acontecem as atividades da missão – e por isso vivíamos muito cansados, além de perdermos muito tempo no transporte público (2 horas por dia). Já havíamos pedido um carro para nos ajudar com o trajeto e no transporte das coisas, mas, por conta da burocracia, a igreja na França nunca pôde nos liberar um carro. Agora nós iremos morar num apartamento no mesmo prédio onde acontecem a maioria das atividades da missão e que fica no centro da cidade. Acreditamos que teremos uma melhor qualidade de vida.
→ Fatos importantes ←
• Avaliação do projeto: Aconteceu nos dias 11 e 12 de junho com a presença do coordenador da Missão Zero, Mauro Westphal. Tal avaliação estava prevista desde o início para decidir se o projeto teria 2 anos suplementares (2021 e 2022) ou não. Após ser avaliada a questão financeira e também prática da Missão Jeepp (atividades, aceitação do público, etc.) – foi decidido de comum acordo entre os parceiros que o projeto continuará. Além disso, a Missão Zero já apresentou um plano de ação para a fase de transição no final desse período, que será estudado pela igreja da França até o final de 2019.
Ficamos muito felizes com a avaliação pois o projeto tem ido muito além das expectativas que se tinha e a igreja da França pensa em até reproduzir o que temos feito em outras regiões no futuro.
• Grupo de ação: Neste período, tivemos nossa segunda reunião com o grupo e percebemos que eles estão bastante motivados a serem treinados e discipulados para servirem outras pessoas. A prova disso é que o grupo decidiu organizar encontros eventuais com os jovens mesmo sem nossa presença durante o verão. Além disso, eles já estão nos ajudando com a organização e serviço durante os encontros. Em setembro já temos um encontro marcado para começar o discipulado.
• Partida dos voluntários: No dia 16 de junho nós nos despedimos de nossos queridos voluntários da NMS Lucas e Rodolfo que voltaram ao Brasil. Eles passaram 10 meses conosco e nos ajudaram muito em tudo o que fizemos este ano. Muito obrigado Lucas e Rodolfo, somos gratos a Deus por suas vidas e oramos para que Deus abençoe vocês nos seus novos caminhos de vida!
• Visitas: Em maio recebemos a visita da mãe e irmão do Rodolfo (intercambista pela NMS) que vieram passar um tempo em Lyon e também participaram de algumas atividades da missão. E também recebemos a visita de um jovem membro de uma das comunidades parceiras do projeto da cidade de Panambi/RS, Alan. Ele passou mais de 15 dias conosco, conhecendo a nossa realidade na Missão Jeepp e também praticando um pouco do seu francês.
→ Atividades regulares da Missão Jeepp ←
1. Grupo A Plus - Universitários e Jovens Profissionais Protestantes
Para avaliarmos nossas atividades e ações do ano que passou fizemos uma avaliação do projeto junto com os jovens no início do mês de maio. Este encontro nós chamamos de noite da Missão Jeepp – foi um momento de falar sobre nossa proposta de atividades para o próximo ano letivo que começa em setembro de 2019 e também pedimos aos jovens para responderem um questionário. A avaliação foi extremamente positiva e nos mostrou que nós estamos no caminho – nossas propostas de ações vão ao encontro das expectativas do nosso público alvo.
No dia 27 de maio nós fizemos um grande churrasco na nossa casa, para celebrar o final do ano e também para nos despedirmos dos voluntários do programa de intercâmbio U-crew, promovido pela NMS, que ficaram conosco por 10 meses. Foi um momento super especial porque conseguimos reunir o pessoal do grupo da segunda-feira e o grupo da terça-feira – além da equipe que nos ajudou a cozinhar durante o ano. Vivemos um tempo maravilhoso juntos e mesmo que muitas pessoas não puderam estar presentes, nós éramos 35 pessoas.
O verão chegou na Europa e com ele se anuncia o fim do ano letivo. Estivemos presentes com o grupo até o encontro do dia 17 de junho e depois embarcamos para o Brasil. Durante as férias de verão, o grupo terá alguns encontros esporádicos que serão organizados pelos jovens do grupo de ação (jovens que estamos capacitando para se tornarem lideranças do grupo).
2. Permanências nas tardes de segundas a quartas-feiras
Por conta da chegada do final de ano, decidimos fazer as permanências normalmente somente até fim de maio e em junho só aconteceu nas segundas-feiras em que estávamos em Lyon. Durante as férias de verão elas não acontecerão.
3. Encontros na Casa de Estudantes St Bernard
Os encontros com este grupo nestes últimos meses foram maravilhosos. Tivemos verdadeiramente a oportunidade de evangelizar estas pessoas e pudemos presenciar suas descobertas do Evangelho de formas diferentes e transformadoras. Neste grupo, tínhamos pessoas que realmente nunca tinham tido contato com o Evangelho e que puderam ver e tocar numa bíblia pela primeira vez. Tivemos atividades na casa até o final de maio e em junho estas pessoas foram convidadas a integrar o grupo que temos na segunda.
Depois de verem o trabalho que estamos desenvolvendo nessa casa de estudantes, nossos parceiros católicos nos propuseram um novo projeto para o próximo ano letivo 2019-2020, que se chama Maison d’Unité (Casa da Unidade). A ideia é separar um corredor da casa onde 8 estudantes de confissões de fé cristãs diferentes (católicos, evangélicos, anglicanos, ortodoxos) morarão juntos e compartilharão essa experiência de fé além de receberem orientação bíblica e ensino sobre as diferentes igrejas.
Este grupo se reunirá 1 vez por semana (toda terça à noite) para terem um tempo de oração e comerem juntos. Depois desse tempo separado dos demais moradores da casa, será proposto junto com esse grupo o curso Alpha alternando com noite onde discutiremos sobre a prática de diferentes igrejas cristãs. Estes encontros serão abertos a todos e estes jovens serão motivados a convidarem outros moradores da casa também pessoas de fora a participarem.
4. Cultos da Missão Jeepp nas paróquias de Lyon
No mês de abril os jovens da Missão prepararam e celebraram o culto na Comunidade de Oullins onde um dos voluntários (Lucas) trabalhava. Vivemos um tempo precioso de culto e, dessa vez, um dos jovens do grupo ficou responsável pela pregação. Para o próximo ano escolar, já temos mais 4 datas de cultos confirmadas nas comunidades de Lyon. Que Deus continue nos capacitando para a sua obra!
→ Continue orando pelo Projeto França (Missão Jeepp) ←
→ Pelo recurso junto ao governador sobre o processo de renovação de nossos vistos;
→ Pelo nosso tempo de viagens pelo Brasil;
→ Pelo processo de vistos e pelos últimos preparativos e viagem dos novos intercambistas brasileiros que virão à Lyon;
→ Pelas preparações das atividades e ações para a retomada em setembro de 2019.
Entre em contato conosco e nos siga nas redes sociais:
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Hello beloved brothers and sisters! We are very happy to be able to share our news with you.
- Visas: In early May we were very surprised to receive a message from the Lyon visa department informing us that our new visas were ready. We went there to take them and found out that they had changed our visas from "workers" to "religious-temporary". Such a change is negative because, instead of receiving a four-year visa, we will have to renew our visas every year. Now we have to appeal directly to the governor to change and correct the situation - such an appeal is already being provided by NMS France - our employer in the country.
- Moving-out: Before leaving for Brazil we had to take our things from the house where we have lived since we arrived in Lyon in September 2017 and left them in the apartment where we will live from September 2019, when we return from the time in Brazil. We had to move because we lived so far from where mission activities take place - so we were very tired and wasted a lot of time on public transportation (around 2 hours a day). We had already asked for a car to help us with the commuting and transportation of things, but because of the bureaucracy, the church in France could never give us this car. Now we will live in an apartment in the same building where most of the mission activities take place in the city center. We believe we will have a better quality of life.
We are very happy with the evaluation because the project has gone far beyond expectations and the church in France is thinking of reproducing what we have done in other regions in the future.
• Action Group: During this period, we had our second meeting with the group and realized that they are very motivated to be trained and discipled to serve others. The proof of this is that the group decided to organize occasional meetings with young people even without our presence during the summer. Also, they are already helping us with the organization and service during the meetings. In September we already have a meeting scheduled to begin discipleship.
• Departure of the volunteers: On June 16th we said goodbye to our dear NMS interns Lucas and Rodolfo who returned to Brazil. They spent 10 months with us and helped a lot in everything we did this year. Thank you so much Lucas and Rodolfo, we are grateful to God for your lives and we pray that God will bless you in your new ways!
• Visits: In May we received the visit from Rodolfo's mother and brother (the intern for NMS) who came to spend some weeks in Lyon and also participated in some mission activities. And we were also visited by a young member of one of the Panambi /RS project partner congregations, Alan. He spent more than 15 days with us, getting to know our reality at Mission Jeepp and also practicing some of his French skills.
In order to evaluate our activities and actions of the past year we made an evaluation of the project with the young people at the beginning of May. It was a time to talk about our proposed activities for the upcoming school year starting September 2019 and we also asked the young people to answer a questionnaire. The feedback was extremely positive and showed us that we are on the good way - our action proposals meet the expectations of our target audience.
On May 27th we had a big barbecue at our house to celebrate the end of the year and also to say goodbye to the interns of the U-crew exchange program, who stayed with us for 10 months. It was a super special moment because we were able to bring together the people from the Monday group and the Tuesday group - as well as the team that helped us cook during the year. We had a wonderful time together and even though many people could not be present, we were 35 people.
Summer has arrived in Europe and with it the end of the school year is announced. We were present with the group until the meeting on June 17th and then traveled to Brazil. During the summer break, the group will have some sporadic meetings that will be organized by the youth of the action group (young people we are training to become group leaders).
2. Permanences on Monday to Wednesday afternoon
Due to the arrival of the end of the school year, we decided to hold the permanences normally only until the end of May and in June they only happened on Mondays when we were in Lyon. During the summer holidays they will not happen.
3. Gatherings at St Bernard Student Home
The meetings with this group in the last months have been wonderful. We truly had the opportunity to evangelize these people and were able to witness their discoveries of the Gospel in different and transforming ways. In this group we had people who had never really had contact with the Gospel and who could see and touch a bible for the first time in their lives. We had activities at the student home until the end of May and in June these people were invited to join the group A Plus which gathers on Mondays.
After seeing the work we are doing at this student home, our Catholic partners proposed a new project for the next school year 2019-2020, which is called Maison d'Unité (House of Unity). The idea is to separate a hallway from the house where 8 students of different Christian confessions (Catholic, Evangelical, Anglican, Orthodox) will live together and share this experience of faith and receive biblical guidance and teaching about the different churches.
This group will meet once a week (every Tuesday evening) to have a prayer time and to eat together. After this time separated from the other residents of the house, it will be proposed with this group the Alpha course alternating with evenings when we will discuss about the practice of different Christian churches. These meetings will be open to all the residents and these young people will be motivated to invite other residents of the house as well as outsiders to attend.
4. Mission Jeepp worship services in the Parishes of Lyon
In April the young people of the Mission prepared and celebrated the service in the Community of Oullins where one of the volunteers (Lucas) worked. We had a precious time of worship, and this time one of the young people in the group was responsible for preaching. For the next school year, we already have 4 more confirmed worship dates in the communities of Lyon. May God continue to enable us for his work!
→ For our travel time in Brazil;
→ For the visa process and the latest preparations and travel of the new Brazilian exchange interns who will come to Lyon;
→ For the preparations of activities and actions for the next school year 2019-2020.
Keep in contact and follow us on social medias:
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Mission Jeepp Newsletter – May and June 2019
Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you! (Ps 116.7)
Hello beloved brothers and sisters! We are very happy to be able to share our news with you.
→ About the missionaries ←
- We are in Brazil - If you want to meet us and also know more about what we have been living in France, here is the list of places where we will be in the coming months. Come see us: • Porto Alegre / RS (June 20th to 23rd) • Florianópolis and São José / SC (June 24th to 30th) • Passo Fundo / RS (July 2nd and 7th) • Ijuí / RS (July 4th) • Panambi / RS (July 6th) • Arabutã / SC (July 8th and 9th) • Pelotas / RS (July 11th to 27th) • Apiúna / SC (July 28th to August 16th) • Ituporanga / SC (August 6th and 7th) • Jaraguá do Sul / SC (August 17th and 18th) • Campinas / SP (August 20th to 23th) • Joinville / SC (August 25th) • Barra Velha / SC (August 26th to 28th) • Curitiba / PR (August 29th to September 2nd). And on September 2nd we will return to Lyon.- Visas: In early May we were very surprised to receive a message from the Lyon visa department informing us that our new visas were ready. We went there to take them and found out that they had changed our visas from "workers" to "religious-temporary". Such a change is negative because, instead of receiving a four-year visa, we will have to renew our visas every year. Now we have to appeal directly to the governor to change and correct the situation - such an appeal is already being provided by NMS France - our employer in the country.
- Moving-out: Before leaving for Brazil we had to take our things from the house where we have lived since we arrived in Lyon in September 2017 and left them in the apartment where we will live from September 2019, when we return from the time in Brazil. We had to move because we lived so far from where mission activities take place - so we were very tired and wasted a lot of time on public transportation (around 2 hours a day). We had already asked for a car to help us with the commuting and transportation of things, but because of the bureaucracy, the church in France could never give us this car. Now we will live in an apartment in the same building where most of the mission activities take place in the city center. We believe we will have a better quality of life.
→ Importantes Facts ←
• Project Evaluation: It was held on June 11th – 12th with the presence of Missão Zero coordinator Mauro Westphal and NMS coordinator Sven Skjoll. Such an evaluation was planned from the beginning to decide whether the project would have an additional 2 years (2021 and 2022) or not. After assessing the Mission Jeepp’s financial and practical issues (activities, public acceptance, etc.) - it was agreed by the partners that the project will continue till 2022. In addition, Missão Zero has already presented an action plan for the transition phase at the end of this period, which will be studied by the church in France by the end of 2019.We are very happy with the evaluation because the project has gone far beyond expectations and the church in France is thinking of reproducing what we have done in other regions in the future.
• Action Group: During this period, we had our second meeting with the group and realized that they are very motivated to be trained and discipled to serve others. The proof of this is that the group decided to organize occasional meetings with young people even without our presence during the summer. Also, they are already helping us with the organization and service during the meetings. In September we already have a meeting scheduled to begin discipleship.
• Departure of the volunteers: On June 16th we said goodbye to our dear NMS interns Lucas and Rodolfo who returned to Brazil. They spent 10 months with us and helped a lot in everything we did this year. Thank you so much Lucas and Rodolfo, we are grateful to God for your lives and we pray that God will bless you in your new ways!
• Visits: In May we received the visit from Rodolfo's mother and brother (the intern for NMS) who came to spend some weeks in Lyon and also participated in some mission activities. And we were also visited by a young member of one of the Panambi /RS project partner congregations, Alan. He spent more than 15 days with us, getting to know our reality at Mission Jeepp and also practicing some of his French skills.
→ Mission Jeepp Regular Activities ←
1. Group A Plus - University Students and Young ProfessionalsIn order to evaluate our activities and actions of the past year we made an evaluation of the project with the young people at the beginning of May. It was a time to talk about our proposed activities for the upcoming school year starting September 2019 and we also asked the young people to answer a questionnaire. The feedback was extremely positive and showed us that we are on the good way - our action proposals meet the expectations of our target audience.
On May 27th we had a big barbecue at our house to celebrate the end of the year and also to say goodbye to the interns of the U-crew exchange program, who stayed with us for 10 months. It was a super special moment because we were able to bring together the people from the Monday group and the Tuesday group - as well as the team that helped us cook during the year. We had a wonderful time together and even though many people could not be present, we were 35 people.
Summer has arrived in Europe and with it the end of the school year is announced. We were present with the group until the meeting on June 17th and then traveled to Brazil. During the summer break, the group will have some sporadic meetings that will be organized by the youth of the action group (young people we are training to become group leaders).
2. Permanences on Monday to Wednesday afternoon
Due to the arrival of the end of the school year, we decided to hold the permanences normally only until the end of May and in June they only happened on Mondays when we were in Lyon. During the summer holidays they will not happen.
3. Gatherings at St Bernard Student Home
The meetings with this group in the last months have been wonderful. We truly had the opportunity to evangelize these people and were able to witness their discoveries of the Gospel in different and transforming ways. In this group we had people who had never really had contact with the Gospel and who could see and touch a bible for the first time in their lives. We had activities at the student home until the end of May and in June these people were invited to join the group A Plus which gathers on Mondays.
After seeing the work we are doing at this student home, our Catholic partners proposed a new project for the next school year 2019-2020, which is called Maison d'Unité (House of Unity). The idea is to separate a hallway from the house where 8 students of different Christian confessions (Catholic, Evangelical, Anglican, Orthodox) will live together and share this experience of faith and receive biblical guidance and teaching about the different churches.
This group will meet once a week (every Tuesday evening) to have a prayer time and to eat together. After this time separated from the other residents of the house, it will be proposed with this group the Alpha course alternating with evenings when we will discuss about the practice of different Christian churches. These meetings will be open to all the residents and these young people will be motivated to invite other residents of the house as well as outsiders to attend.
4. Mission Jeepp worship services in the Parishes of Lyon
In April the young people of the Mission prepared and celebrated the service in the Community of Oullins where one of the volunteers (Lucas) worked. We had a precious time of worship, and this time one of the young people in the group was responsible for preaching. For the next school year, we already have 4 more confirmed worship dates in the communities of Lyon. May God continue to enable us for his work!
→ Keep praying for Mission Jeepp ←
→ For the appeal to the governor about the process of renewing our visas;→ For our travel time in Brazil;
→ For the visa process and the latest preparations and travel of the new Brazilian exchange interns who will come to Lyon;
→ For the preparations of activities and actions for the next school year 2019-2020.
Keep in contact and follow us on social medias:
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