Vídeo - Louvor / Worship
Culto celebrado pelos jovens da Mission Jeepp na Igreja Protestante Unida de Oullins, em 28 de abril de 2019. Cantamos o hino "Desde os confins da Terra".
[O áudio está em Francês]
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1 - Clique em CC
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3 - Clique em LEGENSDAS e escolha PORTUGUES
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Worship service celebrated by the youth of Mission Jeepp at the United Protestant Church of Oullins, on April 28th, 2019. We sang the song "Desde os confins da terra".
[The audio is in French]
To activate the auto-generated subtitles (with approximate translation):
1 - Click on CC
2 - Click on SETTINGS
3 - Click on SUBTITLES and choose ENGLISH
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