Vídeo - Mini Culto de Páscoa 2020/ Video - A Mini Service for the 2020 Easter

Nos dias 12 e 13 de abril de 2020, devido ao confinamento imposto na França por causa de vírus de coroa, celebramos ou mini-culto virtual da Mission Jeepp, intercalando entre hinos de louvor e algumas leituras bíblicas:

- Hino 1: 00:10 Je loue ton nom, Éternel - Letra / acordes: https://tinyurl.com/ybgfeka7
- Leitura 1: Mt 28,1-5
- Hino 2: 02:12 Lumière du monde - Letra / acordes: https://tinyurl.com/y9v6wpe8
- Leitura 2: Mt 28,6-8
- Hino 3: 05:24 Jesus, todas as estrelas do mundo - Letra / acordes: https://tinyurl.com/ydex6x5n
- Leitura 3: Mt 28,9-10 + Lc 24,13-14
- Hino 4: 09:34 Tu es venu jusqu'à nous - Letra / acordes: https://tinyurl.com/y6vlvesq
- Leitura 4: Lc 24.16-20
- Hino 5: 13:00 Merci Seigneur - Letra / acordes: https://tinyurl.com/y875tckc
- Leitura 5: Lc 24.21-24
- Hino 6: 15:55 Le Seigneur règne - Letra / acordes: https://tinyurl.com/y9jul3nk
- Leitura 6: Lc 24.28-34
- Hino 7: 18:35 A toi la gloire - Letra / acordes: https://tinyurl.com/yal4dnxm

[O áudio está em Francês]
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3 - Clique em LEGENSDAS e escolha PORTUGUES

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On April 12 and 13, 2020, due to the imposed confinement in France due to the coronavirus, we celebrated or Mission Jeepp's virtual mini service, alternating between worship songs, mostly in French and some Bible readings:

- 1rst Hymn: 00:10 Je loue ton nom, Éternel (French) - Lyrics / chords: https://tinyurl.com/ybgfeka7
- 1rst Reading: Mt 28,1-5
- 2nd Hymn: 02:12 Lumière du monde (French) - Lyrics / chords: https://tinyurl.com/y9v6wpe8
- 2nd Reading: Mt 28.6-8
- 3th Hymn: 05:24 Jesus, todas as estrelas do mundo (Portuguese) - 
                     Lyrics / chords: https://tinyurl.com/ydex6x5n
- 3th Reading: Mt 28.9-10 + Lk 24.13-14
- 4th Hymn: 09:34 Tu es venu jusqu'à nous (French) - Lyrics / chords: https://tinyurl.com/y6vlvesq
- 4th Reading: Lk 24: 16-20
- 5th Hymn: 13:00 Merci Seigneur (French) - Lyrics / chords: https://tinyurl.com/y875tckc
- 5th Reading: Lk 24: 21-24
- 6th Hymn: 15:55 Le Seigneur règne (French) - Lyrics / chords: https://tinyurl.com/y9jul3nk
- 6th Reading: Lk 24: 28-34
- 7th Hymn: 18:35 A toi la gloire (French) - Lyrics / chords: https://tinyurl.com/yal4dnxm

[The audio is in French/Portuguese]
To activate the auto-generated subtitles (with approximate translation):
1 - Click on CC
2 - Click on SETTINGS
3 - Click on SUBTITLES and choose ENGLISH


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